Prayer for Employment

Finding meaningful employment can be a challenging and daunting task for many individuals. In times of uncertainty and job search, turning to prayer can provide solace, guidance, and hope.

This article delves into the power of faith and spirituality in seeking employment opportunities. Whether you’re beginning a job search, navigating career transitions, or facing unemployment, may this prayer for employment serve as a source of strength and inspiration on your journey towards finding fulfilling work.”

Prayer for Employment

You govern your creation, O God,
and bring it to perfection by the work of our hands.
Hear the prayers of your people who ask for work
that will enhance their human dignity
and promote the upbuilding of your kingdom.
Enable them to provide for those confided to their care
either by family ties or by charity we owe to one another
for the betterment of human life.
We ask this blessing in the name of Jesus
who laboured with his own hands while he lived on earth.
